The Conservative PAC For Conservative Candidates

Wash Times: Cheney's messaging not helping to defeat Dems' socialist agenda in the 2022 election

She’s making it more difficult to win back Congress

In 2008, conservatives were told to get in line and support Republican nominee John McCain for president. McCain was no conservative and actually went out of his way to thumb his nose at conservatives over policy differences for decades. But conservatives got behind McCain nonetheless because defeating Barack Obama was important to America’s security and prosperity.

In 2012 — once again — we were told to hold our noses and get behind the candidacy of Mitt Romney. Mr. Romney had run as a pro-choice candidate for U.S. Senate in 1994 and was the author of “Romneycare” in Massachusetts but conservatives were implored to redouble their efforts in the name of denying Barack Obama a second term in the White House. Conservatives united around Mr. Romney because it was the patriotic thing to do.

But when Donald Trump — the ultimate political outsider — shocked the world by winning the Republican nomination for president in 2016, the establishment that previously demanded obedience decided that unity wasn’t a two-way street. Career politicians and RINOs attacked and ridiculed Mr. Trump wherever and whenever they could. In polite company, they asked how elitists such as themselves could ever support Mr. Trump. Then Mr. Trump won, with the backing of America’s forgotten men and women.

Read the rest of David Bossie’s Washington Times Op-ed

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