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Wash Times: Bossie: Democrats push insidious 'For the People Act' and election integrity will suffer

H.R. 1 — the “For The People Act” — and its Senate companion, S.1, are built on lies. The insidious bill has been making its way through the legislative process, propelled by a false narrative that the White House and their allies in the biased media are all too willing to perpetuate.

Ostensibly, the For The People Act, which passed in the U.S. House without a single Republican vote, is being pushed — if you believe the left’s spin — in response to what Democrats say is an unprecedented assault on voting rights taking place in Republican-controlled state legislatures across the country.

This disingenuous storyline was propagated yet again in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday as the committee met for a hearing to examine the bill. The hearing’s title — “Jim Crow 2021: The Latest Assault on the Right to Vote” — even pushes the despicable notion that equates states that are protecting electoral integrity with actual voter disenfranchisement.

Read the rest of David Bossie’s Washington Times Op-ed

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