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Wash Times: Bossie: Biden defines his administration by activism and appeasement

America-last crowd cheers president’s policies, and he appeases Iran and China by reversing Trump strategies

On the eve of his 100th day in office, President Biden has already defined his administration by activism and appeasement. At home, Mr. Biden has bowed and all but surrendered control of government to the socialist wing of his party.

Abroad, Mr. Biden is working to appease global adversaries like China and Iran by reversing President Trump’s successful maximum pressure and peace through strength strategies. While the radical America-last crowd is cheering, the rest of the country is feeling the brunt of Mr. Biden’s irresponsible policies. From the crisis at the border, to abusive spending, to “reimagining” policing, to threatening to pack the U.S. Supreme Court and impose Green New Deal-like policies, Americans have already had enough.

A recent Washington Post/ABC News poll has Mr. Biden sitting at the third lowest approval rating in recent history for presidents at the 100-day mark of their first term. Just imagine Mr. Biden’s numbers if he didn’t have a sycophantic mainstream media machine protecting him day in and day out. On the campaign trail, Joe Biden asked voters if he looked like a radical socialist and packaged himself as a unifying moderate. We now know that was all concocted. Instead, left-wing extremists are pulling the strings and driving the agenda for the Democratic Party — and Mr. Biden is happy to play the puppet.

Read the rest of David Bossie’s Washington Times Op-ed

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