War Room: Bossie: Impeachment Inquiry is Meddling in 2020
On Episode 16 of War Room: Impeachment, guest Dave Bossie, Deputy Campaign Manager of the Trump 2016 Campaign and leader of the investigation that led to the impeachment of President Clinton compares the Clinton impeachment proceedings to the inquiry against President Trump, noting the unprecedented politicization and partisanship of the current process.
To Bossie, “This is a political process. This is not a legal process. This is not a court of law. This is a court of public opinion. This is where Democrats use whatever cudgels they have against our president and we must defend him from it. ”
The rules established by Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi make this fight incredibly difficult for the president: “There is no public discourse here. The American people cannot see for themselves what exactly is going on and make their own determination if this is a witch hunt or if this is real.”
He compares the current proceedings to Clinton’s trial: “We never told witnesses not to answer or told Democrat members of congress that they were not allowed to ask questions.”
Co-host Jason Miller contends its like “fighting with out hands tied behind our back.”
To Bossie, the secrecy and general unfairness of Adam Schiff’s SCIF hearings, or as Miller calls it, “Adam Schiff’s Speakeasy,” is effectively “meddling in the 2020 election.”
Bossie continues: “The Democrats can’t beat the president in 2020 with any of their crazy left wing candidates. They have to do things like this. They meddle today, so they can win the votes a year from now.”
Bossie emphasizes that the president ought to “put together a pack of killers. He can’t do it all by himself.”