The Conservative PAC For Conservative Candidates

David Rouzer

David Rouzer Endorsed By Citizens United Political Victory Fund In North Carolina’s 7th Congressional District Primary Election

Citizens United Political Victory Fund (CUPVF), the affiliated PAC of Citizens United, issued the following statement supporting conservative candidate David Rouzer in North Carolina’s 7th Congressional District Primary Election. CUPVF has also contributed $5,000 for the primary election. “David Rouzer is the conservative candidate in this primary election and CUPVF is proud to support him,” […]

Democrats Chandler, Critz, McIntyre In Trouble According To CUPVF Polls

Citizens United Political Victory Fund (CUPVF), the affiliated PAC of Citizens United, released polls today conducted by Wenzel Strategies in three U.S. House races showing Congressmen Ben Chandler, Mark Critz, and Mike McIntyre all losing to their Republican challengers in bellwether districts. For methodology and margin of error please read the corresponding polling memo and […]