The Conservative PAC For Conservative Candidates

Senator Rick Santorum Contacts Thousands Of VotersIn Alabama’s 1st Congressional District

Citizens United Political Victory Fund (CUPVF), the affiliated PAC of Citizens United, contacted thousands of Alabama voters urging them to vote for conservative Quin Hillyer in Alabama’s 1st Congressional District Republican Primary. The call featuring Senator Rick Santorum is in addition to a radio ad featuring Senator Santorum that has run for over a week in this hotly contested race. Senator Santorum won the 2012 presidential primary in Alabama. Citizens United Political Victory Fund was an early supporter of Quin Hillyer.

Full Script:

Hi, this is Senator Rick Santorum calling on behalf of Citizens United Political Victory Fund and I’m proud to support Quin Hillyer for Congress because he shares our conservative values. Quin Hillyer supports defunding Obamacare… opposes raising the debt ceiling for Obama’s reckless spending…and will provide the Conservative leadership that our country so desperately needs in Washington.

This Tuesday take a stand against President Obama and for Conservatives by voting for Quin Hillyer for Congress. That’s this Tuesday September 24—vote for true Conservative Quin Hillyer for Congress. For more information about Citizens United please call 1-866-409-1940. Thanks for listening.

DISCLAIMER: “Paid for by Citizens United Political Victory Fund,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.”

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