The Conservative PAC For Conservative Candidates

Record Night For Conservatives And Citizens United Political Victory Fund – (updated) 11/30/10

Election night 2010 was a tremendous success for scores of conservative candidates who were supported by Citizens United Political Fund (“CUPVF”). CUPVF set personal records for political spending and candidates supported during the election cycle. For 2009-2010, CUPVF made direct contributions to candidates, states parties, and PACs totaling $739,091.12.

CUPVF supported 24 U.S. Senate candidates for a total of $159,000. 14 of those candidates have prevailed. CUPVF was a supporter in the primaries for the successful candidacies of Rand Paul, Pat Toomey, Marco Rubio, Kelly Ayotte, Rob Portman, Mark Kirk, and Roy Blunt. When CUPVF endorsed Paul and Rubio very early on, they were considered long shots. CUPVF also supported Scott Brown, Ron Johnson, Dan Coats, John Boozman, Jerry Moran, John Hoeven, and Mike Lee in their victorious general election efforts. Amazingly, CUPVF supported only non-incumbents on the Senate side this cycle.

On the House side, CUPVF supported an astounding 106 U.S. House candidates for a total of $458,500. To date, 66 of these candidates prevailed.

The 66 victorious House candidates supported by CUPVF are as follows (9 incumbents are in bold):

Martha Roby (AL 2)
Mo Brooks (AL 5)
Rick Crawford (AR 1)
Tim Griffin (AR 2)
Paul Gosar (AZ 1)
David Schweikert (AZ 5)
Dan Lungren (CA 3)
Scott Tipton (CO 3)
Cory Gardner (CO 4)
Steve Southerland (FL 2)
Daniel Webster (FL 8)
Allen West (FL 22)
Sandy Adams (FL 24)
David Rivera (FL 25)
Austin Scott (GA 8)
Tom Graves (GA 9)
Paul Broun (GA 10)
Adam Kinzinger (IL 11)
Randy Hultgren (IL 14)
Bobby Schilling (IL 17)
Dan Burton (IN 5)
Mike Pence (IN 6)
Larry Bucshon (IN 8)
Todd Young (IN 9)
Tim Huelskamp (KS 1)
Jeff Landry (LA 3)
Andy Harris (MD 1)
Dan Benishek (MI 1)
Tim Walberg (MI 7)
Thaddeus McCotter (MI 11)
Michele Bachmann (MN 6)
Chip Cravaack (MN 8)
Vicky Hartzler (MO 4)
Alan Nunnelee (MS 1)
Steven Palazzo (MS 4)
Renee Ellmers (NC 2)
Rick Berg (ND AL)
Frank Guinta (NH 1)
Steve Pearce (NM 2)
Ann Marie Buerkle (NY 25)
Joe Heck (NV 3)
Steve Chabot (OH 1)
Bill Johnson (OH 6)
Patrick Tiberi (OH 12)
Steve Stivers (OH 15)
Jim Renacci (OH 16)
Bob Gibbs (OH 18)
Mike Kelly (PA 3)
Lou Barletta (PA 11)
Joe Wilson (SC 2)
Jeff Duncan (SC 3)
Mick Mulvaney (SC 5)
Kristi Noem (SD AL)
Chuck Fleischmann (TN 3)
Scott Desjarlais (TN 4)
Diane Black (TN 6)
Stephen Fincher (TN 8)
Bill Flores (TX 17)
Quico Canseco (TX 23)
Scott Rigell (VA 2)
Robert Hurt (VA 5)
Morgan Griffith (VA 9)
Jaime Herrera (WA 3)
Sean Duffy (WI 7)
Reid Ribble (WI 8)
David McKinley (WV 1)

CUPVF also supported numerous other non-federal candidates, PACs, and state parties for a total of $121,591.12. CUPVF supported the successful campaigns of the following non-federal candidates: John Kasich (OH GOV), Nikki Haley (SC GOV), Mike DeWine (OH AG), Alan Wilson (SC AG), Josh Mandel (OH Treasurer), Dave Yost (OH Auditor), Charles Perry (TX House), and Van Taylor (TX House).

CUPVF is looking forward to building on these remarkable successes in the 2011-2012 election cycle by expanding the Republican majority in the House, retaking the majority in the U.S. Senate, and defeating President Obama.

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