The Conservative PAC For Conservative Candidates

Jack Hoogendyk Endorsed By Citizens United Political Victory Fund In Michigan 6th Congressional District Primary

Citizens United Political Victory Fund (CUPVF), the affiliated PAC of Citizens United, issued the following statement supporting conservative candidate Jack Hoogendyk in Michigan’s 6th Congressional District primary election. CUPVF has also contributed $5,000 to Hoogendyk’s primary campaign.

“Fred Upton has been a member of the Washington establishment for a quarter century, and has become part of the problem,” said David N. Bossie, President of Citizens United. “Sweeping fiscal reforms are needed to get our country back on stable ground, and a D.C. insider like Fred Upton is not capable of leading on these issues. That is precisely why CUPVF is endorsing conservative Jack Hoogendyk. Jack is a change agent who will come to D.C. and take the courageous votes needed to cleanup Washington’s mess. Jack is set in his core conservative beliefs, and he will not sell them out when the going gets tough. I urge all voters to support Jack Hoogendyk on August 7th.”

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