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Fox News Op-ed: Trump beat Hillary more than a year ago but the left can't let it go – and it's harming our country

After the U.S. Supreme Court confirmed his razor-thin defeat in the 2000 presidential election, former Vice President Al Gore could
have gone to the mat trying to delegitimize the presidency of George W. Bush. Much to his credit, he didn’t.

Democrat Gore had won the popular vote, after all, and the turmoil created by the historic 36-day recount in Florida was all he
needed to divide the country for selfish and ideological reasons. But instead of orchestrating a radical leftist resistance, Gore chose
country over power.

As difficult as it must have been, Gore was big enough to let it go, accept his loss, and recognize that Republican Bush was the
legitimate president of the United States.

In a constitutional republic like ours, every two years there are winners and losers at the ballot box. After a rigorous debate and
exchange of ideas, “We the People” make the ultimate decision about who will do the governing until the next election.
Historically, the party that loses the previous election licks its wounds, reboots its message and works with the majority party on
issues where common ground can be found. This recipe that is the American miracle has worked remarkably well for 230 years –
until now.

Now there’s a permanent Democratic obstruction campaign in Washington and a radical socialist resistance across the country.
What’s driving this?

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