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Fox News: David Bossie: Trump wins debate as Democrats fight among themselves, focusing attacks on Sanders and Bloomberg

Tuesday night’s Democratic presidential debate in South Carolina was a pressure-packed fight between seven far-left candidates. It was dominated by efforts to slow front-runner socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders’ charge to the party’s presidential nomination and to stop billionaire Mike Bloomberg from buying the nomination.

Former New York City Mayor Bloomberg, in his just his second debate appearance, failed miserably to bounce back from his epically weak debate performance last week in Nevada.

The hundreds of millions of dollars Bloomberg is spending on television and digital advertising can’t obscure the fact that he’s a disaster on the debate stage and can’t handle the hand-to-hand combat and incoming fire from other candidates.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., resumed her role as Bernie Sanders’ chief defender in what looks like a not-so-veiled attempt to be chosen as his vice presidential pick if he is nominated to run against President Trump.

Sanders’ irresponsible $60 trillion in economy-destroying spending proposals – like the lie he calls “Medicare-for-all” – were even too much for the ultra-liberal candidates on the debate stage.

Read the rest of David Bossie’s Fox News Op-ed

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