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Fox News: David Bossie: Trump impeachment vote is Democratic declaration of war – Republicans must declare war on Dems

With House passage Thursday of a resolution formalizing their blatantly partisan impeachment witch hunt against President Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her fellow crazed radical Democrats have declared war on the duly elected president of the United States. Now it’s time for Republicans to draw up their own declaration of war against Democrats.

The Democrats – who didn’t pick up a single Republican vote for their baseless resolution to move forward with a kangaroo court masquerading as public impeachment hearings – are choosing to tear apart the country we all love because they are consumed by their burning hatred for President Trump.

This charade isn’t about anything President Trump has done wrong, because he hasn’t done anything to warrant impeachment. Instead, the Democrats are improperly using the impeachment process to weaken public support for the president in an effort to defeat him in the 2020 presidential election.

The American people must hold the Democrats accountable for their abuse of power. As the Democrats well know, they have no valid grounds for impeachment.

Twenty-nine of the 31 House Democrats who represent districts that Trump won in the 2016 election voted in favor of Thursday’s deep state coup authorization – and they’re all going to suffer at the polls a year from now because of it.

Read the rest of David Bossie’s Fox News Op-ed

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