Fox News: David Bossie: Trump impeachment is a political stunt by desperate Democrats who’ve attacked him for years
In the past three years we’ve seen widespread misconduct by opponents of candidate and later President Donald Trump.
We’ve seen bad actors at the highest levels of the FBI investigate Trump without any evidence of wrongdoing, while clearing their preferred establishment presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the face of overwhelming criminal evidence.
We’ve seen bad actors who led the intelligence community for the Obama administration turn into garden variety political hacks, falsely accusing President Trump of being a Russian asset.
We’ve seen an all-powerful special counsel appointed to investigate a phony dossier for two years, while ignoring the Democratic origins of the dossier and how it was used for political purposes to defraud the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court to spy on the Trump election campaign.
We’ve seen a Democratic Party come apart at the seams because ultimate political outsider Trump overcame all odds to be elected president, despite all the nefarious activity of the Obama-Biden administration aiming to defeat him.
Read the rest of David Bossie’s Fox News Op-ed…
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