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Fox News: David Bossie: Trump-hating media give Biden gentle treatment as he sits in his basement, limiting his gaffes

With six months to go until the 2020 presidential election, 77-year-old former Vice President Joe Biden is campaigning in his basement and loving life.

Sleepy Joe lets his consultants tell him what to think and what to tweet, limits his gaffes and tries to control his message. And since he can’t hold campaign rallies due to the coronavirus pandemic, the world can’t see the energy vacuum he creates during the largely incomprehensible rambling speeches he used to give in half-empty high school cafeterias.

Yes, other than seeing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo grabbing a lot more news coverage that he is getting, these are easy days for Joe Biden. He’s got the luxury of being able to sit back and criticize President Trump from the cheap seats as the president deals with the enormous challenges associated with the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis.

If nothing else, Biden is demonstrating that he’s an extremely talented Monday morning quarterback, which is not a redeeming quality for a real leader.

Biden is practicing what I call the “Tahiti strategy” – staying off the grid until Election Day so you don’t make any unforced errors. In other circles, it’s called the “prevent defense.” But as we all know, sometimes choosing this minimalist approach prevents you from winning the game.

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