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FOX NEWS: DAVID BOSSIE: Manchin’s ‘no’ reveals a sad state of affairs for the Democrat Party

Senator Joe Manchin’s announcement that he won’t be supporting President Joe Biden’s multi-trillion dollar socialist Build Back Better legislation is sending shockwaves through the halls of power in Washington and has the left reeling.

In a capital city controlled by unhinged radical Democrats, this move by West Virginia’s senior senator is that of a responsible adult who is putting his country and state first—something that’s anathema to the left.

This decision by Manchin—for the moment—is a win for fiscal responsibility, free market capitalism, and common sense Americans who’ve had enough of skyrocketing inflation and the rising cost of just about everything in their lives. It’s also a devastating loss for President Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and every other leftist who’s hell-bent on transforming our beloved constitutional republic into the world’s next failed socialist state. Barack and Michelle Obama are undoubtedly especially disappointed with the news.

The barrage of attacks on Manchin from the White House, “squad” leader Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and other left-wingers were both desperate and pathetic—like a pack of spoiled children upset they won’t be getting their most expensive Christmas present. The Democrats’ decision to question Manchin’s character for just listening to his constituents is a risky proposition since all he has to do to end this ongoing national nightmare once and for all is change the letter next to his name from a “D” to an “R.”

That being said, we should use this seminal moment as an opportunity to look in the mirror and be honest with ourselves. Simply stated, the BBB legislation should have never gotten this far.

Yes, Senator Manchin stepped up for the time-being and used his vote to stop the insanity swirling around us, but why did it have to come down to him? Staring down the barrel of an inflation crisis, a border crisis, a crime crisis, an Afghanistan crisis, a vaccine mandate crisis, a supply chain crisis, and a national debt crisis, 49 Senate Democrats still stood poised to take the cold plunge into the depths of Marxism-Leninism anyway.

The power and influence of the radical left over spineless Democrat politicians is on full display. It’s a scary reality that no Senate Democrat other than Manchin (and Kyrsten Sinema, perhaps) has an uneasy feeling about what’s happening right before our eyes in Joe Biden’s America.

Do they not see the horrific humanitarian disaster at the border? Do they not see the cargo ships backed up in the Pacific Ocean full of medical supplies to treat COVID-19? Do they not see the ongoing devastating spike in crime? One thing’s for sure: the mainstream media’s leading role in allowing the left to ignore these festering problems is a failure of untold proportions that will have a lasting negative impact on our country.

It’s truly a sad state of affairs for the Democrat Party. The party of John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton—and Senator Joe Biden for that matter—is dead and buried. That Democrat Party would have said let’s fix the enormous problems we have before us first and foremost before plowing forward with the socialist wish list.

That’s the leadership struggling American families are longing for. The adults in the room that President Biden promised are nowhere to be found.

Most unfortunately, this is not the final chapter of the drama surrounding Biden’s socialist BBB plan because the left never stops planning and plotting. They’ll continue their maximum pressure campaign on Senator Manchin and try to wear him down while finding something he wants they can dangle in front of him.

Remember, the Democrats couldn’t get Obamacare passed until March of 2010, so the first three months of 2022 are truly the make or break moment. Republicans, Independents and moderate Democrats who cherish the country they know and love must redouble their efforts against socialism in 2022 so BBB stays on the ash heap of history where it belongs.

David N. Bossie is president of Citizens United, a Fox News contributor, the 2016 deputy campaign manager for Donald Trump for President, and the former chief investigator for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform and Oversight during the Clinton administration. He is the co-author with Corey Lewandowski of “Trump: America First: The President Succeeds Against All Odds,” along with “Let Trump Be Trump” and “Trump’s Enemies.”

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