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Fox News: David Bossie: Lying, leaking Andrew McCabe and fellow disgraced FBI hacks should be thoroughly investigated

Just when you think no one could be a sleazier swamp creature than fired FBI Director James Comey, fired Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe comes along.

McCabe and Comey have a lot in common. They’re both leakers. They’re both liars. And they’re both lousy political hacks who’ve written books that attempt to bleach history just like Hillary Clinton did with her emails.

Comey and McCabe, of course, will forever be remembered for their horribly botched investigation of the Clinton email case in 2015-2016. How can anyone forget that McCabe’s wife received $675,000 in campaign funds for her race for Virginia State Senate from groups closely associated with longtime Clinton confidant Terry McAuliffe as the email probe was being conducted by the FBI.

This week “Leakin” Andy McCabe has been giving interviews to his allies in the media to promote his book, “The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump.” Like Comey’s book before it, it’s destined for the fictional ash heap of history.

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