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Fox News: David Bossie: Coronavirus vs. voting laws – Democrats exploit crisis for election power grab

In promoting national vote-by-mail legislation, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her caucus of radical House Democrats are following the advice of Rahm Emanuel, who famously said while Obama chief of staff, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that [is] it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”

Pelosi recently announced that she will try to insert the controversial election measure into the next stimulus package, which is supposed to focus on helping our country overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In the midst of this crisis, the American people want our leaders in Washington to combat the coronavirus and plan for an economic recovery. Instead, Democrats plan a crass political move that will not even secure the right of each registered voter to cast his or her vote on Election Day. What it will do is undermine states’ ballot security measures – such as voter ID requirements – in order to lock in future Democrat election victories regardless if they are free, fair and legitimate. 

President Trump is right to oppose this attempt liberal to use our national health crisis to rig the 2020 elections.

Voting in person, on Election Day, has been a patriotic American tradition since the beginning of our republic. In recent years, however, states have begun experimenting with alternatives to voting at local polling stations. 

Read the rest of David Bossie’s Fox News Op-ed

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