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Fox News: Bossie: If Democrats oppose Barr, they’ll oppose anyone Trump nominates — He deserves bipartisan support

After Tuesday’s masterful performance before the Senate Judiciary Committee, if Senate Democrats still decide to oppose William Barr to be our next Attorney General, it means one thing. It means that they will oppose anyone President Trump nominates because they hate this president more than they love our country.

Here’s the truth. By any measurement, President Trump made an outstanding decision in nominating William Barr to be our nation’s next Attorney General. At Tuesday’s hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Barr proved himself to be an extraordinarily qualified nominee and someone who deserves robust bipartisan support in the U.S. Senate.

As a former attorney general during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, Barr is a well-respected senior statesman and patriot who could have easily chosen retirement and leisure but instead chose duty and country during a trying time in America. Barr repeatedly made it clear that he will be not be swayed by politics in his decision making but instead guided by the rule of law and Justice Department policies and procedures.

Quite predictably, Senate Democrats are attempting to make hay out of a memorandum Barr wrote last year speculating about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s possible pursuit of obstruction of justice charges against President Trump. Barr argued that President Trump cannot be prosecuted for obstruction of justice because it’s within the president’s constitutional authority to hire and fire whom he pleases in the Executive Branch of government, including the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

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