Deseret News: 11 opinions on President Trump’s State of the Union from The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and Fox News
SALT LAKE CITY — President Donald Trump delivered the State of the Union address Tuesday night, and there were multiple opinions on Trump’s words, and the speech itself, in the immediate aftermath.
Trump focused on a number of topics in his speech, drifting from discussions on illegal immigration, the U.S. military, and plans to combat HIV and AIDS. He also made pointed remarks about abortion and how the U.S. will never be a socialist country. Trump also made a case for unity in his speech.
A number of columnists, opinion writers and editorial boards wrote about Trump’s speech. Here’s what they wrote.
David N. Bossie wrote for Fox News that he feels optimistic that Trump will work with Democrats.
“Think of it. Even in the face of a permanent Democrat obstruction campaign and an onslaught of partisan investigations throughout his presidency, President Trump is choosing unity. President Trump made clear — once again – that he wants to work with Democrats on border security, health care and infrastructure. But it takes two to tango. This constitutional republic of ours cannot function if one side flat-out refuses to participate.”