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DAILY CALLER: DAVID BOSSIE: Kamala Harris Should Be Asked Several Inconvenient Questions In Debate Against Trump

To describe the 2024 presidential election as unprecedented does not do it justice. Since July 13, Americans have witnessed former President Donald Trump getting shot on live television and surviving an assassination attempt in a display of strength usually reserved for page-turning political thrillers.

Then we saw desperate Democrat Party elites plotting in a smoke-filled back room to install Vice President Kamala Harris as their nominee without her receiving a single vote.

Since being endorsed on July 21 by the rapidly fading President Joe Biden — who was forced out of the race when his cognitive decline was confirmed for the world to see — Harris has not done a single one-on-one interview with the media. This decision speaks volumes about her values, transparency, grasp of the issues and lack of respect for voters who deserve to hear from her.

Now, with less than sixty days to go until Election Day, the American people will finally get to learn some details about Harris’ policies and vision for the future.

Tonight is the first — and perhaps only — presidential debate pitting Harris against Trump. It is being hosted by ABC News, which many Americans believe will choose questions based on how best to help the vice president in the six presidential battleground states.

So, keeping the reality of media bias in mind, here are some inconvenient questions that the debate moderators should ask Harris tomorrow, but probably won’t.

1 — Vice President Harris, you’ve changed your position on many key issues in this election — such as the border wall, fracking and Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All socialist nightmare — because polling data shows Trump is on the right side of these issues. These changes represent dramatic shifts from radical left-wing positions that were centerpieces of your first failed presidential campaign just five years ago. Why should the American people trust what you are saying now and what does this obvious lack of principle say about your overall leadership qualities?

2 — You have publicly pushed for people to “stay woke.”  Can you explain how you became such a radical and share your thoughts on how Marxism-Leninism redistribution philosophy compares to your own agenda in terms of the Green New Deal, taxes and the overall size and scope of government?

3 — You fanned the flames of the radical defund police movement at a time when criminals were rioting in the streets and burning down cities. You even solicited bail money for the criminals involved in the Minneapolis riots. Many Americans no longer feel safe in their own neighborhoods because of your soft on crime positions.  What do you say to the victims of violent crime? And can you now admit to the American people that the defund police movement was a terrible mistake?

4 — Upon taking office, you and Biden dismantled Trump’s successful border security policies on purpose.  These actions paved the way for record illegal border crossings and “gotaways,” and caused crime, fentanyl and all the problems associated with sanctuary cities to spike dramatically.  Moreover, government spending on handouts for illegal immigrants is now being prioritized over our own citizens.  Attempting to flip-flop on these failed policies does not erase the fact that you are responsible for the failure. What do you say to Americans who are going to be paying for your performance as Border Czar for generations to come?

5 — Allowing the Trump tax cuts to expire would mean a tax increase for every American regardless of tax bracket. This would deal a crushing blow to our already anemic economy.  Aren’t Americans taxed enough already?

6 — The Inflation Reduction Act was deliberately mislabeled by your administration and Democrat leaders in Congress to fool the American people. Do you regret passing that massive climate-change bill when the American people needed relief from the ongoing inflation crisis your irresponsible multi-trillion-dollar spending policies created?

7 — If elected, will you sign legislation that bans biological men from competing in women’s sports and prohibits taxpayer funds from being used for transgender surgeries?

8 — Is it possible to have a free and fair election in a democracy if the entire so-called mainstream media chooses sides and is actively working to defeat one of the candidates?

9 — Looking back to the 2020 campaign, was it wrong for the mainstream media and U.S. government to work together behind the scenes to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story which has since been confirmed as accurate?

10 — Many Americans believe the prosecutions of Trump are election interference, designed to keep him off the campaign trail. Did you ever participate in any meetings or discussions with President Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland or anyone else about the federal or state prosecutions against Trump?

11 — Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Crimea under President Barack Obama. During Trump’s term in office, Putin was held in check.  Then, when you and Biden took office, Putin saw weakness in the White House and promptly invaded Ukraine.  Vice President Harris, President Trump has stated that he will end Putin’s war in Ukraine immediately.  What is your plan to deal with Putin’s aggression and to end America’s latest forever war that your lack of leadership caused in the first place?

12 — The Biden-Harris withdrawal from Afghanistan has been described as the most incompetent foreign policy failure in American history. A leading criticism is the fact that you have allowed Afghanistan to once again become a safe haven for terrorists who want to kill Americans.  Tomorrow marks the 23rd anniversary of the terrorist attacks that murdered nearly 3,000 Americans on our homeland. You were the last person in the room with President Biden when this disastrous policy was agreed upon.  Are Americans now less safe than they were 23 years ago as a result of Biden and Harris?

13 — “Never Again” was a phrase repeated after World War II to prevent a second Holocaust. However, your policy of moral equivalence regarding the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel have contributed to an alarming rise in antisemitism in the United States.  Many people believe you adopted this policy to pander to Muslim American voters in states like Michigan and Minnesota. Vice President Harris, is there anything you won’t say or do to win an election?  Do you support Israel or Hamas in this war?

14 — Lastly, are the American people better off today than they were four years ago?

Voters deserve answers to these questions and tonight might be the only opportunity to get them. Corporate media has an opportunity and responsibility to turn a corner and regain some legitimacy. Only time will tell.

David Bossie is the president of Citizens United and served as a senior adviser to the Trump-Pence 2020 campaign. In 2016, Bossie served as deputy campaign manager for Donald J. Trump for President and deputy executive director for the Trump-Pence Transition Team.

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