The Conservative PAC For Conservative Candidates

DAILY CALLER: DAVID BOSSIE: Don’t Expect Corporate Media To Tell The Truth About Kamala Harris

Since being installed by party bosses as the Democratic presidential nominee without receiving a single vote, Vice President Kamala Harris has been lying to the American people on several fronts.

First and foremost, she is masquerading as a moderate candidate who will govern from the center if elected. The shameless vice president has even adopted — disingenuously — some of former President Donald Trump’s most popular policies out of political expediency. If this were a traditional campaign, the mainstream media would not allow this posturing by Harris to stand.

However, these are not normal times and Trump Derangement Syndrome is in full effect. So, I decided to do something about it to set the record straight.

The biased media is refusing to do its job of arming the American people with facts about both candidates so voters can make an informed choice at the ballot box. In the history of our country, we have never had an election where it has been so obvious that the mainstream media has chosen sides. In response, this week Citizens United Productions released a new documentary entitled, “Trump’s Rescue Mission: Saving America,” starring Trump and his running mate Senator J.D. Vance.

The film details why President Joe Biden and Harris’s disastrous tenure in office could not be more different than the peace and prosperity enjoyed during the Trump years. In short, it is a documentary that accomplishes what the media is failing to do: tell the truth about Kamala Harris.

Harris is a career politician who has demonstrated over the years that she will say and do anything to get elected and 2024 is no exception. Unfortunately for Harris she now has a long record, and her modus operandi has always been to do whatever the radical left commands.

Campaign promises mean nothing to Harris — because as soon as she takes office, her sole focus has been to govern as far to the left as possible. The left-wing media is colluding with Harris in spending millions upon millions on the airwaves to intentionally mislead the American people into believing the vice president is something she is not: a competent leader.

But the co-conspirators have a big problem. For the past four years, the American people have watched in horror and dismay as the failed policies of Harris and Biden at home and abroad have set their beloved country back years.

We saw this playout in 2020 as well, when the mainstream media failed to hold Biden accountable or ask him any tough questions. For months upon months, Biden hid in his basement covering-up both his cognitive decline and his family’s international business dealings.

Now, the liberal media has taken its kid gloves treatment of the Democratic ticket to a whole new level by not demanding unstaged interviews and off the cuff press conferences from Harris.

Remember that Biden and Harris looked us all in the eye and swore they would unify the country and find consensus across party lines on the most important issues facing our country. Then, the exact opposite happened.

At a time when America needed strong leadership, Biden and Harris got busy enacting the agenda of the radical left by any means necessary.

The American people wanted strong border security, but Biden and Harris opened the border.

The American people wanted pro-growth economic policies, but Biden and Harris pushed a reckless trillion-dollar spending plan that caused the ongoing inflation crisis.

The American people wanted continued peace around the globe, but Biden and Harris gave us weakness and war.

This is Harris’s failed record, and nothing is going to change that. 

When Harris reads from the teleprompter to tell the American people her plans for the future, she can’t answer this seminal question: why hasn’t she done it during her current term in office? No matter how hard the vice president tries to change the subject, the 2024 election is a referendum on her failed policies over the past four years.

My new film makes that point crystal clear with what I call the most remarkable cast ever assembled in the history of American politics.

The film contains never before seen interviews with Trump, Vance and many other America-first champions. Trump makes clear that Harris “owns the failures of the Biden administration,” and explains that during his term in office, “We had a safe world. I’ll tell you what, we had a safe world. Now, we have a very, very dangerous world.”

Vance calls out the dangerous rhetoric of the left by saying, “They accused Donald Trump of being a threat to democracy. He literally took a bullet for democracy.”

Vivek Ramaswamy exposes Harris’ dangerous economic philosophy by stating: “Her attitude of equity over equality of opportunity is the end of economic success in America as we know it. No, that’s not the American dream. That’s an American nightmare.” And Sen. Ted Cruz reminds the American people how far we have fallen as a country during the past four years: “You know, when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris came into office, they inherited peace and prosperity. All they had to do was nothing, just not screw it up.”

These are truly unprecedented times for our country and it is not hyperbole to say it is the most important election of our lifetimes.

That is why I urge every American regardless of political party to learn about the candidates and their policies from as many sources as possible — because the mainstream media is manipulating the data and should not be trusted to tell the unvarnished truth.

David Bossie is the president of Citizens United and served as a senior adviser to the Trump-Pence 2020 campaign. In 2016, Bossie served as deputy campaign manager for Donald J. Trump for President and deputy executive director for the Trump-Pence Transition Team.

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