The Conservative PAC For Conservative Candidates

CUPVF Endorses Conservative Hoffman in NY-23 Special Election – 09/30/09

Watertown Daily Times – Hoffman Backed by Another D.C. Group by Jude Seymour – 09/30/09

Doug Hoffman, the Conservative candidate for the 23rd Congressional District, is doing a good job racking up endorsements from D.C.-area individuals and groups.

Here’s another feather in his cap: the Citizens United Political Victory Fund. The group supports candidates who stand for smaller government, lower taxes, spending cuts and traditional family values in the mold of Ronald Reagan.

The fund made $264,139 in contributions during the 2008 election cycle; all candidates received between $1,000 and $5,000, according to their Web site.

During the 2008 election cycle, Citizens United Political Victory Fund made political contributions totaling $264,139. The following is a list of many of the candidates CUPVF supported in 2007-2008.

“The current Congress, led by tax-and-spend liberals, continues to dig this country into a deeper fiscal hole every day,” said club President David Bossie in a statement. “The only way to put a stop to runaway deficits and uncontrolled spending is to put conservatives back in charge of the purse strings, and that is why I am proud to endorse Doug Hoffman, the only conservative in this race.”

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