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Citizens United Political Victory Fund Endorses Marine Sean Bielat For Massachusetts 4th Congressional District

Citizens United Political Victory Fund (CUPVF), the affiliated PAC of Citizens United, issued the following statement endorsing Marine Reservist Sean Bielat in the 4th Congressional District of Massachusetts. CUPVF has also contributed $10,000 total – $5,000 each for Bielat’s primary and general elections.

“Marine Reservist Major Sean Bielat had the courage to take on entrenched incumbent Barney Frank in 2010 and that same courage will push him over the top this time against the Kennedy machine,” said David N. Bossie, President of Citizens United. “Sean believes in the concept of citizen legislators who come to Washington with fresh ideas and try to fix the big problems our country is facing. As a Marine, Sean is dedicated to making America great. As a businessman, he has the unique perspective of how the regulatory system is choking job growth.

“Massachusetts’ 4th District needs a change, and Sean Bielat will bring that change to Washington by focusing on pro-growth economic policies that will help create jobs and get our economy moving again.”

Sean Bielat joins 18 other veterans and active military personnel being supported by CUPVF during the 2011-2012 election cycle. CUPVF takes great pride in its support of our men and women in uniform.

Posted in CUPVFSean Bielat
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