Citizens United Political Victory Fund Contributes To Ten Congressional Races – 10/12/10
Citizens United Political Victory Fund (CUPVF), the affiliated PAC of Citizens United, issued the following statement backing 10 candidates totaling $28,000 in the upcoming midterm elections. CUPVF has contributed more than $490,000 so far this election cycle.
“Americans are angry about how their country is being governed by the left,” said David N. Bossie, President of Citizens United. “America’s unemployment rate remains at 9.6 percent and the country’s national debt is over $13 trillion. The failed policies of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid liberal agenda have led our country down the wrong path and the candidates we endorsed today will stand up against those damaging policies.”
U.S. Senate:
John Raese (WV) – $5,000
Kelly Ayotte (NH) – $5,000
U.S. House:
Allen West (FL 22) – $5,000
Mick Mulvaney (SC 5) – $2,500
Ilario Pantano (NC 7) – $2,500
Frank Guinta (NH 1) – $2,500
Lou Barletta (PA 11) – $2,500
Steve Southerland (FL 2) – $1,000
David Harmer (CA 11) – $1,000
Ann Marie Buerkle (NY 25) – $1,000