The Conservative PAC For Conservative Candidates

Cagle Post: Support D.C. Outsider Landry For Re-Election

Conservative Congressman Jeff Landry is a refreshingly different kind of politician. From the first time I met him last year, I could tell right away that he wasn’t comfortable just going along with the broken ways of the Washington establishment like so many others do. Jeff Landry is a citizen politician who lives a long way away from D.C. – he’s from South Louisiana – Cajun country. His home is in a town called New Iberia, which is about 20 miles Southeast of Lafayette and about 130 miles West of New Orleans. Landry is running for Congress to help fix America’s biggest fiscal and economic problems, not to become a card-carrying member of the D.C. social circuit. He wants to use his background as a small businessman, veteran, and police officer to solve problems with commonsense solutions.

Read more at Cagle Post here.

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