Citizens United Political Victory Fund’s (“CUPVF”) mission is to support conservative candidates running for federal office. CUPVF is dedicated to assisting candidates who share our vision of reducing the size of government, enacting term limits, lowering taxes, cutting spending, reforming entitlement programs, promoting traditional family values, and keeping America safe and secure. Our goal for the 2026 election cycle is to grow the conservative Republican majorities in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate to give President Donald Trump more support for his America First agenda in Congress.
I. General Information
1) Name of Candidate/Name of Candidate’s Campaign Committee:
2) Office Being Sought (State/District/Other):
3) Campaign Manager (Telephone Number and Email Address):
4) Media Consultant/Fundraising Consultant/Pollster:
II. Issues
State your position on the following issues and/or answer the following questions:
1) What can the federal government do to assist job creation and economic growth?
2) State the circumstances under which you would support a tax increase.
3) State your position on “omnibus” spending bills in the context of regular order and the appropriations process.
4) Do you support a Balanced Budget Amendment?
5) What is your position on the national debt and debt ceiling?
6) State your position on reforming entitlement programs.
7) Using specifics, describe how you would decrease the size of the federal government.
8) State your position on the issue of campaign finance reform. Please cover the following topics when answering:
- Citizens United v. FEC
- Contribution Limits
- Disclosure
- Internet Regulation
9) Would you vote in favor of congressional term limits? Please explain your position in detail.
10) What efforts should be taken to strengthen the integrity of our voting process and elections?
11) State your positions regarding the following foreign policy issues:
- China
- Israel
- Iran
- Russia
- Financial Aid for Ukraine
12) In the context of United States national security interests, what role should the United Nations play?
13) State your position on the issue of abortion.
14) State your position on the issue of gun control and explain your philosophy on to the 2nd Amendment.
15) Taking into account United States national security and economic interests, state your position on illegal immigration and border security. Please cover the following issues when answering:
- Deporting Illegal Immigrants
- Sanctuary Cities
- Fentanyl
- Border Wall
- “Pathway to Citizenship”/Amnesty
16) House candidates only: If elected, do you want to become a member of the House Freedom Caucus?
17) Senate candidates only: State your position on the filibuster.